Paradis Entertainment Television (PETV) is the destination for uplifting entertainment for a passionate and diverse Caribbean and Latin audiences across leading cable, satellite, and streaming platforms. Content includes faith & family, aspire lifestyle, travel, music & culture. PETV mission is to become the most trusted network for families seeking positive programming with relatable stories about culture, life, relationships, filled with love, laughter, and action — celebrates and reflects Caribbean and Latin culture life and style in a way that is inspiring, authentic, and entertaining.
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We believe in creating lasting partnerships, connections, and building community value. We offer a ‘Better TV’ design to elevate our community entertainment experiences.
Sign Up NowPET programming and expertise offers a clear vision for quality regional Cable TV content and streaming, with special licensing partners, orginal shows, movies, and entertainment in the region and beyond, period!
We believe in content that wins, elevates, and presents the best entertainment value. We’ll work on programming, content, and projects with a clear entertainment value for our business, and audience, creating a WOW factor and cultural shift.
We’re more interested in building trust and long-term partnerships, racking up audience reach and bragging rights for the most reliable entertainment media reaching the Caribbean and Latin market.
We are season creators with a mission and privilege to support the next generation of content creators. We champion our communities, and the world around us.
Our leadership is made up of entrepreneurs, creators and innovators working with a global mandate to accelerate and innovate in the new emerging
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